Tin bóng đá - Lena Muhlbacher is the wife of German Football Midfielder Tim Borowski. They married in 2006 at the manor house in Oaterholz-Scharmbeck. They have a child together, Emilia who was born in 2007.
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Tin bong da - Lena Muhlbacher
Tin bong da - Lena Muhlbacher is the wife of German Football Midfielder Tim Borowski. They married in 2006 at the manor house in Oaterholz-Scharmbeck. They have a child together, Emilia who was born in 2007.
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Tin bóng đá - Lena Muhlbacher
Tin bóng đá - Lena Muhlbacher is the wife of German Football Midfielder Tim Borowski. They married in 2006 at the manor house in Oaterholz-Scharmbeck. They have a child together, Emilia who was born in 2007.